Invalid BOMAIN key file

I logged on to the physical server running WebI. When I tried to open Supervisor there I get the following error message:

Error Window Title: Error
Error Window details: Invalid bomain key file. The bomain.key file is not the one used to create the bomain.lsi file (USR0030)

This is using V6.1.B. Anyone else encountered the same issue?

JSanthanam :india: (BOB member since 2003-12-17)

What happens when you rename/delete the *.lsi file?

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Yes, I have seen this. You need to find ALL bomain.key files on the system and delete them.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I did delete all of the bomain.key files except the one under LOCDATA and the one under mycluster\LOCDATA folders. I also deleted all of the LSI files and I still get the same error. I deleted the BOMAIN.KEY file and recreated it. This fixed the issue. Thanks for the help.

JSanthanam :india: (BOB member since 2003-12-17)

Glad it’s working. I mis-typed in my earlier post. All you needed to do was to find and delete all the bomain.lsi files.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


JSanthanam :india: (BOB member since 2003-12-17)

Hello Techies,

We currently use a project management tool (PM tool) which has Business Objects 6.1b integrated in it.

I have this issue where I have generated a new bomain.key ( as we are using WEBI- all in Lower Case) using the SAfe Recovery and replaced it wherever needed on my BO prod server and tool’s web server where business objects is installed.

I have 2 users- ADMIN01/02 setup under System Administrators Group on the Supervisor ( Admins on the PM tool), when they are trying to logon to the tool, not able to access WEBI.

This is the error showing up -

Microsoft JScript runtime error ‘800a01a8’
Object required
/wiasp/scripts/login/login.asp, line 395

Well on the Supervisor - the User login is disabled. (Disable Login - Checked)

This started after we had regenerated the bomain.key. Is there anything to be done with LSI.files.

We did not delete any LSI files??

Urgent Issue need to be fixed today.

Using BO 6.1b, WebI 6.1b. Oracle 9.2

BOBUSER :india: (BOB member since 2005-05-23)

You should delete the lsi files if you create a new BOMain.key.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Where all do i need to look for LSI files and delete them, just want to make sure I am doing the right thing as this is going to be on the Production Server.

Do i also have to look in on the PM tool WebServer where the BO is installed.

The issue with the ADMIN1/2 looks like it is resolved - this is what I have done - Deleted the password for the USer on SUPERVISOR, enabled their login’s - refreshed the admin console to take the effects. Synchronized the password for both the users by Logging on to the PM tool UI - and accessed Infoview from the link.

It worked and then - Few things happened today where some users on the MANAGERS group have been disabled. Thought the samething would work out. But doing this on a daily basis is not what i am looking at.

So doyou think deleting the LSI files would really take care of all these issues.

  • Your time & help is most appreciated.

BOBUSER :india: (BOB member since 2005-05-23)