Internal Problem

What is the cause of this message, and moreover how do I solve it?


************************************************************* Hans Kingma
Unisource Carrier Services
Industriestrasse 21
8304 Wallisellen
Phone: +41 1 839 32 11
Fax: +41 1 839 32 95

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I have seen this error once before.

BO and the repository are installed on a NetWare server. The error occurred when a user needed to change their BO password, but did not have the access rights on the NetWare server to do so. They need write access to the repository.


______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Author: hans.kingma@UNISOURCE-UCS.COM at Internet
Date: 11/09/ 0 10:24

What is the cause of this message, and moreover how do I solve it?


************************************************************* Hans Kingma
Unisource Carrier Services
Industriestrasse 21
8304 Wallisellen
Phone: +41 1 839 32 11
Fax: +41 1 839 32 95

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I had a similar problem recently. It had to do with corruption in the repository. Our DBA had to rebuild some indexes. (using SQL Server on NT)

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Some users and I are getting the following error message when we try to login to BusinessObjects: “Internal Problem”. This occurs after we enter our userid and password. We were all working fine yesterday. We have de-installed and re-installed but the error still occurs. Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening?

Our configuration is: BO V4.1
Sybase System 11 SQL Server
Sybase System 11 Open Client and ODBC


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Are you working from a shared installation environment? If so, you may have a corrupted objects.ssi file.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Thanks for the reply. We are all working from local installations – that’s what’s so strange! But, just as mysteriously as it happened; it stopped happening!! I guess it was just one of those flukey things!! Thanks anyway!

Are you working from a shared installation environment? If so, you may
a corrupted objects.ssi file.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I also have this same issue. anybody ideas?

Swimmer :netherlands: (BOB member since 2006-08-23)

Given that you’ve replied to a thread that is over 10 years old, it might be worth provididing some details. I assume you searched and didn’t find anything more recent that this thread?

Nick Daniels :uk: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

yes i searched, and I also read the otehr threads abou this but nothing solved my problem.
ok I try to explain what i have done

I installed the oracle client 10.0 on my pc, after that I installed BO 6.5 dekstop installation.
And after that I changed in the regsitry the locdata into my fodler with teh bomain key, but then I received the internal problem error

I readjust the flocation to the empty LocData and tried a save recovery in the Supervisor but then i received the error message " cant edit the network layer"

My orcale home is ok, I tested that with oracle locator express

So what can i do…

Swimmer :netherlands: (BOB member since 2006-08-23)

What SP have you installed of 6.5. Wasn’t Oracle V10 only supported from Sp1 onwards?

irish_stan :ireland: (BOB member since 2003-05-13)


Problem was solved we installed the wrong Oracle version. We needed VISTA instead of WIndows.

Swimmer :netherlands: (BOB member since 2006-08-23)

I know this is an old thread, but wanted to add another possible solution for anyone else with this.

In our case, the issue turned out to be a drive map being needed. One user didn’t have that drive map setup, so they got this internal error when trying to login to BO supervisoe 6.1b

GreenEnvy (BOB member since 2012-08-17)