BO and the repository are installed on a NetWare server. The error occurred when a user needed to change their BO password, but did not have the access rights on the NetWare server to do so. They need write access to the repository.
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Author: hans.kingma@UNISOURCE-UCS.COM at Internet
Date: 11/09/ 0 10:24
What is the cause of this message, and moreover how do I solve it?
Some users and I are getting the following error message when we try to login to BusinessObjects: “Internal Problem”. This occurs after we enter our userid and password. We were all working fine yesterday. We have de-installed and re-installed but the error still occurs. Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening?
Our configuration is: BO V4.1
Sybase System 11 SQL Server
Sybase System 11 Open Client and ODBC
Thanks for the reply. We are all working from local installations – that’s what’s so strange! But, just as mysteriously as it happened; it stopped happening!! I guess it was just one of those flukey things!! Thanks anyway!
Are you working from a shared installation environment? If so, you may
a corrupted objects.ssi file.
Given that you’ve replied to a thread that is over 10 years old, it might be worth provididing some details. I assume you searched and didn’t find anything more recent that this thread?
yes i searched, and I also read the otehr threads abou this but nothing solved my problem.
ok I try to explain what i have done
I installed the oracle client 10.0 on my pc, after that I installed BO 6.5 dekstop installation.
And after that I changed in the regsitry the locdata into my fodler with teh bomain key, but then I received the internal problem error
I readjust the flocation to the empty LocData and tried a save recovery in the Supervisor but then i received the error message " cant edit the network layer"
My orcale home is ok, I tested that with oracle locator express
I know this is an old thread, but wanted to add another possible solution for anyone else with this.
In our case, the issue turned out to be a drive map being needed. One user didn’t have that drive map setup, so they got this internal error when trying to login to BO supervisoe 6.1b