I went to a session on this at the Business Objects User Conference in October. My understanding is that it is possible. And I believe it is possible from either direction, i.e. from ESRI or from Business Objects. I believe that you will need the new Software Development Kit from Business Objects to integrate Map Objects into Business Objects. ESRI has a license agreement with Business Objects. I’d contact both Business Objects and ESRI about this. The session I attended at the conference, showed just such a map in Business Objects, using data from a Business Objects query and vice-versa. You can query Business Objects from ArcInfo and use the data returned in an ArcInfo map.
The person who gave the session is Steve Benner of ESRI. I have his phone and e-mail address. E-mail me directly if you want his contact info.
Debbie Kelly
Museum Informatics Project
University of California, Berkeley
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)