My requirement is like this there are team members -1000
Project leads-50 and PMs-10.
In Info view how do i publish the same report say time spent activitywise but user should be able to view only a part of the data relevant to him/her.
A TM can view his/her data alone.
PL his/her all his TMs’ and his/her
PM all his PLs’ and TMs’ and his/her data.
what is the efficient way since there are like 1000 users.
User can have their own userid
Thanks in advance,
saj suresh
sajsuresh, if you do a search on “row level security” here on BOB you will probably find out more than you ever wanted to know. Also, try and find Steve’s presentation on this subject it is referenced in several threads and available for download through the BO tech support website. - good luck