I do have one report with Year field. When I am looking at data in BO,in some places 2004 is being displayed as 4008, 6012 or 10020 etc. Its not happening in all rows. It is with some rwos. This report is being created using free hand sql.
To verfiy the data i exported the data from Dp and checked in excel and checked the data. Data is correct.
Did you set the Year object as measure instead of dimension?
I think you should change the Year object to a dimension object and the problem will be solved.
When you create freehand SQL, all numbers are brought in as measures. BO can’t possibly know which fields are measures and which are dimensions. As was suggested, you simply have to change the right ones to dimensions and you’ll be OK.
When you export to Excel, you are seeing the raw data, not the aggregated report. That’s why it looks different there.