I am trying to determine why I am receiving the message “Incompatible Combination of Objects”. I get this message from the Query Panel when trying to view either the SQL or data/report for a given set if result objects. I am choosing a total of two objects each from a specific table for which there is a single direct path (join) between the tables. Is there a specific condition which this message points to?
Thanks in advance,
Donald May
MIS Eagle Services
Pratt & Whitney
Ph: (860) 565-5253 Fax: (860) 565-4347 M/S: 117-35
E-mail: maydp@pweh.com
“My own opinions are not necessarily those of my employer…”
From: May, Donald P.[SMTP:maydp@PWEH.COM] Sent: 24 July 1998 21:59
I am trying to determine why I am receiving the message “Incompatible Combination of Objects”. I get this message from the Query Panel when trying to view either the SQL or data/report for a given set if result objects. I am choosing a total of two objects each from a specific table for which there is a single direct path (join) between the tables. Is there a specific condition which this message points to?
Thanks in advance,
Donald May
MIS Eagle Services
Pratt & Whitney
Ph: (860) 565-5253 Fax: (860) 565-4347 M/S: 117-35
E-mail: maydp@pweh.com
I got this message yesterday after speeding out a universe without resolving all the loops. Once I’d built (in this case) some aliases, I could view SQL and fire the report.
I guess it’s Business Objects’ way of saying I don’t know how to build this query - there are too many ways to build this query. The rather obscure message indicates it’s a generic way of saying “no can do” to a host of different kinds of problems resulting in a query not being able to run. I’m guessing here. Guy
This sounds like a loop in your universe, being caused by inclusion of
an object which implicates an ambiguously defined join path. Check
the documentation (and this list archives) for info on best method to
resolve (contexts, aliases, shortcut joins).
When some of the objects are included in a query on the QUERY PANEL, I get
the message “Incompatible combination of Objects” on the screen “Error
during SQL generation.”. If the object is the only one in the query, they
run fine.
This problem occurs only if the joins are not proper. To solve this problem
Detect the contexts in your universe by selecting from Tools menu and create
I have a problem in using some of the objects in my universe(s). Here is
the situation…
When some of the objects are included in a query on the QUERY PANEL, I get
the message “Incompatible combination of Objects” on the screen “Error
during SQL generation.”. If the object is the only one in the query, they
run fine.
Environment : BO v4.1.3
Database : DB2/MVS
Middleware : DB2 Service of Direct Connect
Open Client : v11.1.1
Any pointers/suggestions please…
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If this is a new object or has been recreated make sure you include it as
part of any of the existing contexts. If you don’t, the object can only be
used by itself.
Kurt Kerchner
Information Technology
Southwestern Bell
Does anyone know hoe to solve the following problem?
I have a summary fact table containing retentionRate measure and two dimensions,
Time and length of service. The retetnion meausre is sum of a preaggregate value x_count. Each time when I try to generate report from Business Object, I always got the same error:
“incompatible combination of objects. error during SQL generate”
I guess it is related with the aggregate awareness, but don’t know how to solve it.
I have gotten this message while setting up an aggregate aware object when I had a syntax error in the SELECT statement of the object. I removed an aggregate sum field, from the select, one at a time and retested until I found the one with an error. You might need to review aggregate navigation also. Did the test work until you set up the aggregation ?
Does anyone know hoe to solve the following problem?
I have a summary fact table containing retentionRate measure and two dimensions,
Time and length of service. The retetnion meausre is sum of a preaggregate value x_count. Each time when I try to generate report from Business Object, I always got the same error:
“incompatible combination of objects. error during SQL generate”
I guess it is related with the aggregate awareness, but don’t know how to solve it.
I have a problem with the object created in Designer. This is a measure object with three conditions in the “Where” clause, the Parse is ok, no problem. But when I use it in the query, it gives “Incompatible Combination of Objects”.
This is urgent problem. Could anyone give me some suggestion on this?
Thanks a lot.
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You have a join in the query which is not part of any context… If you added a new join, add that to the context to which it belongs…
Hi, All:
I have a problem with the object created in Designer. This is a measure object with three conditions in the “Where” clause, the Parse is ok, no problem. But when I use it in the query, it gives “Incompatible Combination of Objects”.
This is urgent problem. Could anyone give me some suggestion on this?
Lilly, are you in WebI or client? I use WebI and I get this message whenever I’m trying to use objects from 2 different fact tables. Since WebI is a single-pass sql query tool, you cannot use objects from 2 different tables in one sql query. I’ve had to create multiple reports to accommodate results from common tables OR created the same objects, where possible, in multiple tables in order to use them effectively. Hope this helps… Diane
If your designer creates 2 diff contexts for 2 diff fact tables, you can still
query them both in one query.
Lilly, are you in WebI or client? I use WebI and I get this message whenever I’m trying to use objects from 2 different fact tables. Since WebI is a single-pass sql query tool, you cannot use objects from 2 different tables in one sql query. I’ve had to create multiple reports to accommodate results from common tables OR created the same objects, where possible, in multiple tables in order to use them effectively. Hope this helps… Diane
Hi, All:
I have a problem with the object created in Designer. This is a measure object with three conditions in the “Where” clause, the Parse is ok, no problem. But when I use it in the query, it gives “Incompatible Combination of Objects”.
This is urgent problem. Could anyone give me some suggestion on this?
Durgesh, I am the Designer (new to BO) and have been told on numerous occasions from BO Consultants that you can’t join multiple tables in WebI. Can you elaborate on your previous instruction? Once I understand what you’re suggesting, I’ll give it a try! Thanks! Diane
In a message dated Thu, 12 Jul 2001 1:12:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Diane Reese Diane.Reese@ONYXCO.COM writes:
Durgesh, I am the Designer (new to BO) and have been told on numerous occasions from BO Consultants that you can’t join multiple tables in WebI.
Of course you can join multiple tables. If, that is, we are talking about tables in the database schema. Webi would be a poor tool indeed if you could only query one table at a time.
What you cannot do in Webi is use multiple queries in a single document. In the full client, for example, you can create a table block (as opposed to a database table) from Universe A. You can then create another table block using Universe B. And you can then link the two table blocks together. Webi does not do this.
But anything from a single universe should be able to be used in a single Webi query. If not, then the universe may have some design problems that need to be addressed.
As to the original question: if you are getting “Incompatible combination of objects” then the objects you are using most likely involve more than one context. Sometimes this is by design, but often it happens by accident. If the designer adds a new table to the universe, then the next step is to add a join from that table to the rest of the universe structure. If you are using contexts in your universe, then you must add that new join to AT LEAST ONE and possibly ALL of your current contexts. The new join may even require adding a new context.
Contexts have their uses, but they can dramatically increase the maintenance requirements for a universe. Check to make sure that the joins used in the new object (I believe that you mentioned that there were several tables used in the new object) all exist together in at least one context. If not, that’s the most likely source of your problem.
What you cannot do in Webi is use multiple queries in a single document.
Also, you could create the multi-query document in full client and access it via WEB-I. It will be processed by full client and viewed via the web. Maybe this is also an option. Of course I think we’ve digressed from the original problem but this popped into my head so I offer it
Cindy Clayton
Ask WHY until you understand!
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Laughing so hard your sides hurt and you can’t catch your breath… Daydreams…
The feel of a child in your arms…
We are using BO 5.0.3. Actually, I created this object using dimension and mesure objects from two fact tables, one is aggregated level, the other one is in detailed level. These two fact tables are in different contexts.
Thanks a lot.
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