We need to open associated report (second report) in the new IE window in Application Foundation from first report.
We have used hyperlink in Report like this “a href=” & Char(34) & “http://server/apps/jsp/openAnalytic.jsp?RepositoryName=Document&RepositoryType=C&DocumentExt=rep&mode=full&DocumentName=tmp&nbPrompts=1&ID=” &<KO ID(Query 1 with Knowledg)> & Char(34) & " target=’_new’>" & <KO ID(Query 1 with Knowledg)> &""
When I going to Application Foundation and view this report as HTML, link works fine and opens in the new window, but when as EDF, link opens in the same window.
Why “only for WebI documents”? We checked and it’s work for BO reports under AF. But if view documents in EDF format then hyperlinks opens in the same window. If in HTML, it’s fine!