Hyperlink Problem when migrating reports (5.1.7)

We have a master report that is linked to 6 other reports. The links specifically call out the doc id. Isn’t it true the the doc id in development would be different than in production since the id is assing by BO when the report is published. What is the best approach for migrating? Do we have to manually update our links or is there way to call the linked report by name and not by id?

kim snead (BOB member since 2002-08-21)

I’m on a project where the same thing is going on…we manually change the doc id in the reports when we promote them.

Justin Grimme :us: (BOB member since 2004-03-03)

Darn…not the answer I was hoping for!

kim snead (BOB member since 2002-08-21)