I have 6 crosstabs in the report. I need to show same records for all the measures in same order. I’m getting correct ordering of records only for one measure(total sales) on which i’m sorting the query. But i need to show the same sequence of records for other 5 measures. The only thing i can do is apply ranking on one of the dimesions based on total sales, but then i dont get correct ranking and sorting. My 5 other measures are %values and sorting on those values doesnt make any sense. Any help would be appreciated.
is there any way this can be done? How do we do it usually i.e. showing same sequence of dimension records for different measures in crosstab report?
You can apply a custom sort to any dimension column. However, that sort is not dynamic. Perhaps, if you understand the sorting requirements, you can create a variable that will provide a sortable value for you. However, I’m having a hard tome understanding what you want.
i’ll explain my requirement again. I have 6 crosstabs. In each crosstab, i have 3 dimensions and 1 measure. total, i have 3 dimensions and 6 measures. I can sort my reoprt only on Dimension1 based only on Measure1. Based on this sorting, i want to show same sequence of rows in other crosstabs for other measures( i cannot sort using these measures).
I dont know whether i explained properly or not.
I see what you’re getting at now. I haven’t tried this but here’s an idea: Try adding Measure 1 to all 6 crosstabs, and sorting on it. Then hide it in the 5 crosstabs where you don’t want it.