BusinessObjects Board

How to run a report by entering 2 prompts out of 3 prompts

Hi All

I have a report contains 3 prompts like customer_name,product_name,date.Problem here is user may dont want to select any values for customer_name prompt and selecting values for product_name and date prompts before running the report

As per my knowledge if we have 3 prompts then we have to select values for all the 3 prompts otherwise the 'OK’button wont be enabled

Is there any way to run the report by entering values only for 2 prompts out of 3 prompts

Hope it is clear.

Need a solution for this

kongusiva :india: (BOB member since 2006-08-09)


No…its not possible to keep the prompt blank and running the report.



looksmee :uk: (BOB member since 2006-02-08)

this isn’t exactly the solution you’re asking for and one you might have thought about already.

Create all prompts with an .all or * so they can make those choices but being wildcards they don’t actually impact the query so it’s as if you didn’t select them at all

bossmane (BOB member since 2005-08-16)


we are not clear on how to implement the prompts by applying wildcard charachters, could you please give some more detailed information

kongusiva :india: (BOB member since 2006-08-09)

Read Designer FAQ for All in LOV
Or a search on BOB with keywords like ‘ALL in LOV’ would have fetched lots of threads on this.


haider :es: (BOB member since 2005-07-18)