How to prompt the user for data

We are creating reports for the first time using Business Objects. We would like to know if there is a method to create a prompt for the = user to enter data into a text field on the report. We could write a = script, but where would we enter it for it to appear on the report? Thanx,Smita

Smita Patel
401 N.Wabash=20
Chicago IL 60611

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Insert a new table and use free hand SQL for your data provider, the syntax depends on the rdbms you are using.

For Oracle you would use:

SELECT @variable(‘Please Enter Your Name’) “UserName” from dual

MSSQL or Sybase:

SELECT @variable(‘Please Enter Your Name’) “UserName”

Now I would suggest you edit the data provider and make UserName a Detail (Data Manager - Definition Tab).

You will now have a variable called UserName to use as a standard object. This is a good trick if a user is to enter a date and you want to create a header with it in it. Cut and paste the same EXACT @variable and BO will only ask for it once when you refresh the report!


We would like to know if there is a method to create a prompt for the user
to enter data into a text field on the report. >We could write a script, but where would we enter it for it to appear on the report?

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


Put a condition in your query based on the field that you want to prompt for. Select your qualifier (such equal to) then select prompt user. When the user refreshes the report, it will prompt them for a value.

Michael Welter
Sr. Technical Analyst

We are creating reports for the first time using Business Objects. We would like to know if there is a method to create a prompt for the user to enter data into a text field on the report. We could write a script, but where would we enter it for it to appear on the report?

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)