Hello all -
Is there anyway I can notify myself via email (MS OUTLOOK) when a query has finished running (failed or successful). Thank you!
heket789 (BOB member since 2004-07-19)
Hello all -
Is there anyway I can notify myself via email (MS OUTLOOK) when a query has finished running (failed or successful). Thank you!
heket789 (BOB member since 2004-07-19)
Not sure about a query per se, but for a document the answer is yes. This would be for a BCA scheduled document, right? We have discussed this several times in the past, so you might try a search for “BCA email” or “completion email” or something similar. You might find these posts useful, but there are probably many others:
Scheduled Document Completion Macro
Email from BCA
Dwayne Hoffpauir (BOB member since 2002-09-19)
If you just want notification of when the job’s finished, you could probably put together a simple macro that uses ‘net send’ to send you a message when it’s done.
Paul Williams (BOB member since 2002-07-10)
Thank you Paul. Although I’m somewhat familiar with VB Code, I’m not sure I would know how to do the ‘net send’ code, can you provide me with a sample? Thanks!! -Holly
heket789 (BOB member since 2004-07-19)
It’s a dos command, so you should be able to use the shell function to send the message. I don’t remember the syntax exactly, but it’s along the lines of…
Dim RetVal
RetVal = Shell( “net send Report done!”,1)
Paul Williams (BOB member since 2002-07-10)