How to find where a Result Objects comes from


I just learned that it is possible to find where, in the long list of available objects, an object used in a condition comes from. To do it, select the object in the condition, then click in the “class and objects” pane, then click the up arrow. It will select the “section” from where the object is. Open this section, and repeat the step until you got down the list and found your object.
:sleeping: :sleeping: I know that this must be common knowledge from most of you, but just wanted to show my limited knowledge of BO :oops:

NOW my question: this only works for fields in the Condition. Is there a similar trick for field in the Result Objects window ?

benoitd (BOB member since 2004-06-30)

While it does’t quite do exactly what you want, try clicking on the cube icon (scope of analysis) in the query panel. It shows the class structure with a check mark indicating which objects are on the panel.

charlie :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-20)

As a Designer, the frst thing I key into an object’s description is the class/subclass structure that the object belongs to. This is the only way that I’ve found to work around this problem.
