How to eliminate unwanted lines?

I have a master detail report. I am not able to hide the top-border and bottom-border lines of details blocks. I have tried all possible options I am aware of. Even I tried changing the foreground color of the table border to white still nothing happening.

Can anyone tell me why is it happening?


ManasP (BOB member since 2004-03-09)

Did you try formatting individual cells or the table? In any case, try both.

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Yes Andreas,

I have tried everything … Nothing seems to be working :cry:

ManasP (BOB member since 2004-03-09)

I tried doing it here by formating the individual cells, it works for me!

Bharat :india: (BOB member since 2004-05-03)

In my case I am not able to do it.

Can you tell me how you did that?

ManasP (BOB member since 2004-03-09)