How to display all the months?


I think this must be simple but I am missing something…

Let me explain my requirement by taking the Island resorts universe as the example.

I use the following objects in the report :
Customer, City from the class Customer
Sales Person, Month from the class Sales Revenue from the class Measures

Now I want to generate a report listing the Revenue per Customer for all the Months. For this I set Customer, City as Masters to print each customer on a different page.

Now we find that only those months in which there is some revenue will be displayed.

Customer City Sales Month Revenue

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

In the Islands Resorts universe, there is not a table that holds calensar information. In most warehouses there is a table that contains dates, months, etc. In order to always display all of them, you’d need to have a table like this and do an Outer Join to it. I’m sure there are other ways to accomplish this, but the Outer Join has worked for me in the past.

Steve Krandel

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I am needing something similar, but adding to/altering the universe is not desireable right now. What if I were to build a table of months in a personal data file. Can I get BOI to recognize that the tables are related?



Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


The easy part is to link the two data providers so that the tables are related, but in order to achieve what you and Chandrashekar want to do, you would have to have as many columns in your personal data file as you do in your original data provider. Moreover, in order to link the data properly, you need to have in your personal data file the same values of the Master Objects as in your original data provider – in this example, you would need the same values of Customer and City in your personal data file.

Doing this will probably get you what you need, but I don’t think it’s worth the trouble.

Consider each section of a Master report as its own “mini-report.” The data in each section table, as Chandrashekar showed in his example, is independent. Consider this: in a simple table report with all the objects in question displayed, would you expect to see rows for which data doesn’t exist? Not unless you have something like what Steve Krandel described with outer joins.

Luis Gonzalez

From: Lisa Main [SMTP:lmain@TI.COM]
Sent: Monday, June 08, 1998 10:14 AM

I am needing something similar, but adding to/altering the universe is not desireable right now. What if I were to build a table of months in a personal
data file. Can I get BOI to recognize that the tables are related?

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)