How to display a report in 2 Columns ???

Hi Everyone,

We have a report which should be displayed in 2 columns, so that it uses less number of pages when printing. Can anyone help me out in this matter ???
To be precise I’m looking for an option present in Microsoft Word i.e
“Format —> Columns ----> Two”
Is such an option available with Business Objects ???

Thank you.


kalpalla (BOB member since 2003-12-22)

Format--> Table--> on the General tab--> Columns --> 2

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

Hi Dwayne,

I have used the same option, but the problem is that it is not beginning from the top of the 2nd column, instead it is beginning at the break level.
Probably in order for this to work, I think the whole report should be only in 1 table. Please throw some light on this…

Thank you.


kalpalla (BOB member since 2003-12-22)

Yes, of course. I’m not sure how you would do it otherwise. The block (table) should be narrow enough to fit on half of a page. Then using the technique already posted you will set it to display in two columns. Note that this will only be visible when in page layout mode (or when printed). When in “normal” mode you will only see one column.

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)

Hi Dave,

I am sending the link to the sample report. I actually want the report in this format. Any suggestions are most welcome.



kalpalla (BOB member since 2003-12-22)

can you post your BusinessObjects report instead?

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)

It seems you applied sections on vendor name. If you apply 2 columns, it will only apply within that section and it will not start at the top of the page as you want it to. Instead of section, apply break on the vendor name and do appropriate formating to get the result you want.

bhaumick :canada: (BOB member since 2003-04-14)

Hi Bhaumick,

You are right, I have applied sections on vendor name. But do you know how to get the same functionality using Breaks. I mean I still want the “Vendor Name” to be shown as a Section or Group Header.
Given below is the link:



kalpalla (BOB member since 2003-12-22)

I have sent you a sample report created on eFashion universe on similar lines (your yahoo mail id). Hope this is helpful.

bhaumick :canada: (BOB member since 2003-04-14)

Hi Bhaumick,

That was really helpful. Thankyou very much.


kalpalla (BOB member since 2003-12-22)