BusinessObjects Board

How to assign Unique Names in Universe

Firstly, How should I find how many object names are repeating in the whole Universe.

How to assign Unique Names to repeating Objects in the Universe containing more than 8000 objects.

Do I need to create a report in Webi…

Any help would really be appreciated.

MIUSA (BOB member since 2011-05-01)

If you’re using Universe designer, you can use the “Document Universe” Macor from BOB downloads - Document a universe using Excel and the Designer SDK

This would let you download the list of objects to excel sheet. Then you can play around with the data in excel or source the data from excel into Web Intelligence.

cpmohanraj :australia: (BOB member since 2002-09-23)

Thank you for the Quick Response.

Can you please let me know, How should I download all Objects from Universe in Excel.

MIUSA (BOB member since 2011-05-01)

Get the macro and run it, as suggested. It will import the universe structure into Excel and from there you can look for duplicates.

However, there is no actual issue with having duplicate object names. Are you encountering some other problem?

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)

Thank you. I have downloaded all the objects from Universe in Excel Sheet.

MIUSA (BOB member since 2011-05-01)

There are cases where the Designer tool won’t let you use the same name. I have tested specific cases but from what I have observed, it will not let you use the same object name for two objects in the same top level class. For example, if you have a Class1 and create SubClass1 under it, the Designer tool will not let you have objects named Object1 in both classes. This may not be a hard and fast rule as I said. This is just what my sometimes faulty memory is recalling.

Another issue is if you use the Metadata Manager product. It determines lineage and object usage by object name. If you have two objects with the same name in your universe, it will give you bad information.