BusinessObjects Board

How to assign date range when running on the fly....

I have a 4 data provider with a personal data excel file in it. The two data providers have a date range. Now, I hard code to have invoiced date between 11/1 to 11/30, and the second data provider is sale date between 11/1 to 11/30. What we really want is run this report weekly (schedule), and for whatever the current month, just run the whole month of data, each week. So, if first week of Nov, we run it as 11/1/2011 to 11/20/2011, but will only bring the data meets that condition. So, how do we define it in the date ranage to know to run it as 11/1 to 11/30? I thought about create a object in the universe like today? Or something like that so I can get a right date range, anyone has any ideas how to do so? Thx!

Sharon Lee (BOB member since 2002-07-11)


Have a word with your universe designer.

Point them towards this thread:

Get them to create the appropriate dates and you can then replace your hard-corded dates with objects like “Start of Current Month” and “Yesterday”

Hi, I tried to define these 3 objects in the Universe as date type for all 3. Yesterday:
trunc(sysdate)-1, Today: trunc(sysdate), Start of Current Month: trunc(sysdate,‘mm’). However, when i prased them, they all get sql error, are there suppose to be?

Sharon Lee (BOB member since 2002-07-11)