How does the Supervisor Purge Inbox Documents work?

We have not deleted any our inbox documents in over one year. We want to purge anything older than 40 days. We have about 6,000 reports for over 100 users to purge. I have read on a BOB user group that is will take a long time. We want to run it at night but kill it if it is still running in the morning. Does it do incremental commits?

Andrew Mitchell :canada: (BOB member since 2003-06-09)

Moved to Supervisor forum.

Not exactly sure how it works. Keep in mind that it only purges UNREAD inbox documents. Once read, the documents are removed from the repository. I hadn’t heard that this takes a long time. It’s just deleting records.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Do it in stages.

First Delete Documents older than 70 days then 60 days and then 50 Days and 40 Days. So with each deletion some documents will get removed. You can do all of them in a single night or evening.

If posiible try to a scan and repair after each delete or perform it after all stages are complete.

Hope this helps!

JaiGupta (BOB member since 2002-09-12)

For that many documents, it will take a long time to delete them thru Supervisor. You might also run into the possibility of getting locked up.

You can delete them directly from the repository. But of course, a word of caution is that you MUST know what you are doing.

The following is the SQL script for Oracle:
delete from OBJ_M_ACTORDOC
where M_ACTDC_N_ACTORID = ‘123’
(If you are using different database, you have to find out the field and table first)

You can query the database to get a list of the users and their “actorid”. Then you can write a small script to loop thru the list to execute the SQL script, with the “actorid” as input parameter. I suggest you to do that in batches.

Hope this helps.


substring :us: (BOB member since 2004-01-16)

Although substring is exactly correct, this is very dangerous. You’d be manipulating the repository directly.

I like the other method: Do it in stages. In V6, it shows you what you’d be deleting ahead of time. So you can see what you’d be doing to your database.

Steve Krandel :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-25)