How do you Track User Names to User ID's in Supervisor.

I am looking for any suggestions/options for tracking a user’s full name and e-mail address to their corresponding Business Objects ID in the repository. For example, how do you tell that smithst is Steve Smith? We currently do this through a Lotus Notes Database by sending an import file to Supervisor. We are moving to Outlook so this is going away. We are interested in how others are doing this type of activity. Business Objects told us that everyone has to do this via a 3rd party tool. We have thought of creating tables in the repository database or building a VB app. Any suggestions or example of what you use would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You,

wbuente (BOB member since 2004-06-21)

FYI, version 6.5 provides this exact functionality. User properties in Supervisor has a new user attributes tab where display name and email address are maintained.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

Business Objects Broadcast Agent Publisher has this extended Meta Data about users that you are talking about. Full Name, E-mail address and stuff like that…

Now you’d need a license for it … but BO does have this functionality… but you will want this if you want to do some form of E-mail (SMTP) functionality from within Webi. It also allows for true report bursting via e-mail or web pages.

When you install the Broadcast Agent Publisher it added some addtional. tables to the Repository(actually a whole bunch ). It installs a new program called Recipient Manager and it allows you to manage this metadata. Nothing is added to Supervisor though… so you still dont get any additional info in that tool.

David Smith :us: (BOB member since 2002-07-10)

UserID_crosswalk table that we can join to obj_m_actor table in a repository universe for reporting.
For quick referral in Supervisor, we set up a dummy folder with disabled IDs and no rights. These have user ID AND name (ex; User123 Scott Copeland) . Search on name and you can find an ID. Method 2 NOT RECOMMENDED because of increased system overhead - :roll_eyes:

scott copeland (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

Interesting, that is good to know. This has always been an issue for us also. Long ago, I implemented a procedure for setting up accounts that BO user names would mirror email accounts. This at least allowed some type of mechanism to tie back to an actual user and email address when needed.

jswoboda :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Ooh, handy!

I remember trying to figure this out a while back by fiddling with the valid characters for BO usernames, so that email addresses could be used - also handy for emailing from the BCA. It got a dropped though, when the company decided to use the Windows logons instead. :roll_eyes:

Paul Williams :uk: (BOB member since 2002-07-10)