I have a doubt . I want to call a vba function which order months, but I don´t know how to do it. When I use the Visual Basic Macro Editor of Business Object, only I can program four events. And I need to order months in my report without using the filter that has a bug.
You can use a vba procedure to process your data and provide a new data provider. But you cannot call a vba function in a variable definition. And you can’t call a vba procedure as a custom sort procedure.
What is the “bug” that you are seeing? I’m not aware of any bug in sorting.
Yes, that’s the month sort i meant, by month names. So someone told me I should find another way to sort months without using the customized sort, and I can’t find any solution…
So, just to be clear, you are trying to use the Custom Sort and it is not working. I assume because of the different language in use. Have you tried simply custom sorting the month names manually, by using the Move Up and Move Down buttons?
Another option, from the “old days”…
Add month number to your document. Sort it, and then hide it. Your data should remain sorted by number, which I assume there would be no problem with.
While I haven’t tested it, there really is very little new in Reporter in v6. I doubt this functionality was added. I don’t remember reading it in any of the v6 series of release notes.