Hiding reports in a document

Comments: Authenticated sender is SWITTAL@BEAST

X-cc: sogriz@QGRAPH.COM

We are just beginning to work with Document Agent and need a bit of help. I have created a series of reports to get the final results I need. Then I want to be able to run these reports and deliver them through Document Agent.

However, I only want to deliver the final report in the document to my users. Is there a way to “hide” reports or tabs within a document?

Shannon Lee Wittal

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

X-cc: “swittal@qgraph.comswittal@qgraph.com

If you want to dabble with scripting, you could declare what you want to print out in the script.

However, I have found that the scripting language is not supported by BO tech support, and you may stumble through it until you figure it out like I have…

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Comments: Authenticated sender is SWITTAL@BEAST


You are correct indeed! I did not think this would work because I created my last report using the results of previous reports. However, it works great.

Thanks for reminding me that it is the data provider I need to worry about. I’m still in the learning stage here.


Erich’ s answer:

I think what you have here is a confusion between a report and a data provider.

If you have a document with, say, 6 reports in it, and you only want to save the 6th report and delete the rest, then just do it. Delete reports 1 through 5. You should notice no change in report 6. Why? Because the data providers behind reports 1 thorugh 5 are still there in the document. You haven’t deleted them. Remember, you build reports off of data providers, not off of other reports.

Erich Hurst
Compaq Computer Corporation
(281) 514-9445

We are just beginning to work with Document Agent and need a bit of help. I have created a series of reports to get the final results I need. Then I want to be able to run these reports and deliver them through Document Agent.

However, I only want to deliver the final report in the document to my users. Is there a way to “hide” reports or tabs within a document?

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Shannon Lee Wittal

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I think what you have here is a confusion between a report and a data provider.

If you have a document with, say, 6 reports in it, and you only want to save the 6th report and delete the rest, then just do it. Delete reports 1 through 5. You should notice no change in report 6. Why? Because the data providers behind reports 1 thorugh 5 are still there in the document. You haven’t deleted them. Remember, you build reports off of data providers, not off of other reports.

Erich Hurst
Compaq Computer Corporation
(281) 514-9445

We are just beginning to work with Document Agent and need a bit of help. I have created a series of reports to get the final results I need. Then I want to be able to run these reports and deliver them through Document Agent.

However, I only want to deliver the final report in the document to my users. Is there a way to “hide” reports or tabs within a document?

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)