I have error using BO Auditor web application, it says:
WebIntelligence / SDK System Exception
Description:Error opening document
System Error:WISDK Specific Exception
I can’t figure out wtf? Tomcat and Apache Webserver reports no errors in logs.
Can someone pls help me…
And I had one strange error also. In several .jsp files, there was error using this construction:
<jsp:forward page=“login.jsp”/>
And the error was: blablabla “The end tag blabla in unbalanced” or something very similar to this.
I removed the line </jsp:forward> from 12 files of Auditor application because it isn’t needed, and it finaly started, but now there is the error I mentioned before.
Pls help…
P.S. I’m pretty new to BO.
P.S. Using Tomcat 5.0.25, Apache Webserver 2.0.49, SDK 1.4.2_04, BO
Did you check also in Auditor user guides if the apache, tomcat and sdk release are compatible beetween them ?
Is apache and tomcat well configured to run jsp files ?
I can’t find PAR…
Where can I check it on the WEB?
.jsp files run well I can logon to auditor, but when I press on the question like “What is the average session duration?”, I got that error, everything else is fine this far.
InfoView application runs fine, I can view documents and everything else, so I assume there are problems only with Auditor…
If I remember my experience on Auditor, each “question” (egg “What is the average session duration” ) corresponds to a repfile wich is refreshed. Maybe you can found it in the jsp source page and try to refresh it manually
Auditor is only a “web like” interface which allow you to access reports and universes which let you able to audit the repository activity.
If your main goal is to access this stat, I suggest you to retrieve the Auditor univers ‘ACTIVITY’, ‘BCA’, ‘SECURITY’ and ‘UNIVERSE’ and built or run existing reports on it to have the stats.