BusinessObjects Board

help on count property in business report

i am new to BO as well as VBA and m doing project on BO using VBA,anyone plz send me the sample VBA code for cell count; filters count; sorts count; breaks count in business report(i.e; .rep file) to be written in Excel sheet…

if any help then most welcome…
its really urgent…
thnks in advance…

Ash2w (BOB member since 2007-09-28)

Moderator note:
A) Please help keep BOB friendly! Review this topic for some suggestions. In particular avoid using keywords such as urgent :? as this board is run exclusively by volunteers.

B) Please, choose a more descriptive topic title other than “Bo help…”. You can go back and edit your initial post to change the topic title.

Finally, welcome to B :mrgreen: B

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

m sorry…actually new to this forum thats why written all those thngs…
if possible do send me the code for the same as soon as possible for u…

Ash2w (BOB member since 2007-09-28)

New to this forum or not, there are basic “netiquette” rules that apply everywhere. :slight_smile: Please do not use that as an excuse. I don’t mean to chastise you but seeing the “new to this forum” excuse used once again is more than a bit irritating. Basic respect for others should tell you that demanding immediate attention is often perceived as both rude and selfish, and it is not well received here.

If you had tried a search you probably would have found that many of the attributes you are asking about are simply not exposed to the VBA model. You are not going to be able to deliver what you have apparently promised to do.

What I get from your post - and this is my interpretation, nothing more - is that you have promised to a client that you can deliver something that you have no idea how to do. You might not even have any idea whether it is possible or not. And despite these two things, you have also promised that you can deliver it within a very tight deadline. Maybe it wasn’t you but your project manager. None of those things are my problem. :wink: Don’t promise what you can’t deliver and expect a volunteer to deliver a solution that you’re getting paid to deliver.

As I said, that’s my impression of your post, but I expect that it’s going to be shared by more than a few folks.

I am going to close this topic. When you have started on your project and have a specific question (and are not simply appearing to ask someone to delivery a solution to you) please try posting again, thanks.

Dave Rathbun :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-06)