BusinessObjects Board

Help on adding button to toolbar

I have the following code which I attained from site in part:

Sub AddControl()

    Dim ctls As CmdBarControls
    Dim button As CmdBarControl
    Set ctls = Application.CmdBars("Standard").Controls
    Set button = ctls.Add(boControlButton)

    'define the button
    button.OnAction = "Tools.rea!"
    button.Caption = "&Report Tab Addin..."
    button.DescriptionText = "Report Tab Addin"
    button.TooltipText = "Show addin form"
    Application.Clipboard.SetData frmMain.Image1.Picture

    Set ctls = Nothing
    Set button = Nothing

End Sub

However, it generates a button that is greyed out and disabled. I think I am missing something here. Any help apprecaited.
It could be the onaction event is wrong, but I also tried application.activedocument.refresh and it was still greyed out. In any case, the form did open up when I stepped through the code.

jonathanstokes (BOB member since 2004-09-17)

The .OnAction property is indeed your problem. It needs to refer to a procedure name, not be formatted as a line of code. Put your code in a procedure, and set the .OnAction property to the name of that procedure.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

Worked a treat.

Thanks very much.

jonathanstokes (BOB member since 2004-09-17)

You are quite welcome.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)


Where do I add it to? This document section?


BOJunkie (BOB member since 2005-07-13)

Depends on what you are trying to accomplish. If you want the toolbar to be built when the document opens, the code needs to be in (or called from) the open event of the ThisDocument module:

Private Sub Document_Open()
    'code here
End Sub

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

Hi, thanks for getting back to me

I have added the sub to the code and am calling it from the event open_document. however I still can not see the button in the tool bar in business objects?

do i need to use addins? something I have read on various websites but never used?

thanks in advance

BOJunkie (BOB member since 2005-07-13)

Was that a typo, or is your procedure really named open_document? It needs to be named Document_Open. The best way to create the procedure is to use the drop-down boxes in the VB Editor.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

just a typo :slight_smile:

BOJunkie (BOB member since 2005-07-13)

OK, then it must be a problem in your code. You’ll have to share it with us before we can be of any help though :yesnod: .

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

this is my code in “this document”

'Public GetDownLoad As DownLoadToExcelClass

Private Sub Document_Activate()

    Call AddControl
End Sub

Private Sub Document_AfterRefresh()

    Dim GetDownLoad As DownLoadToExcelClass
    Set GetDownLoad = New DownLoadToExcelClass
     If GetDownLoad.Process_Report() = True Then
       Call GetDownLoad.ExpToExcel(GetDownLoad.TabName, GetDownLoad.Path)
     End If

End Sub

Private Sub Document_Open()

    Call AddControl

End Sub

Private Sub Document_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
    'before closing, tidy up BO HTML files
    If GetDownLoad.TidyUp = True Then
    End If
End Sub

Sub AddControl()

    Dim ctls As CmdBarControls
    Dim button As CmdBarControl
    Set ctls = Application.CmdBars("Standard").Controls
    Set button = ctls.Add(boControlButton)

    'define the button
    button.OnAction = "Tools.rea!"
    button.Caption = "&Report Tab Addin..."
    button.DescriptionText = "Report Tab Addin"
    button.TooltipText = "Show addin form"
    'Application.Clipboard.SetData frmMain.Image1.Picture
    button.Caption = "Generate Report"

    Set ctls = Nothing
    Set button = Nothing

End Sub

here is my class module "DownLoadToExcelClass"

Public GetDownLoad As New DownLoadToExcelClass
Public MyDoc As busobj.Document
'Dim strTabName As String
'Dim strDocumentName As String
'Dim strPath As String
Function Process_Report() As Boolean
'If the user has the basedata.htm file open then the export will not update
'and the previous run will be exported to excel.
    Call MyDoc.ExportSheetsAsHtml(GetDownLoad.Path & "\" & GetDownLoad.DocumentName, GetDownLoad.TabName, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, False, 0)
    Process_Report = True
Exit Function

    If Err <> 0 Then
        Exit Function
    End If
End Function
Function TidyUp() As Boolean

strTidyUpFile As String

strTidyUpFile = GetDownLoad.Path &amp; "\" &amp; MyDoc.Name &amp; "\" &amp; strTabName &amp; "\" &amp; strTabName &amp; ".htm"

End Function
Function ExpToExcel(strTabName As String, strPath As String) As Boolean
'This function can be re-run without closing down excel. Each time it is run a new
'instance of Excel will be opened. No handling to close down existing open apps incase
'the user has other spreadsheets open.

Dim ExcelApp As Object
Dim strExcelFile As String

Set ExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
ExcelApp.Visible = True
ExcelApp.Interactive = True

ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open (strPath &amp; "\" &amp; MyDoc.Name &amp; "\" &amp; strTabName &amp; "\" &amp; strTabName &amp; ".htm")

'Commented out functionality to autosave is not required.
strExcelFile = strPath &amp; "\" &amp; strTabName &amp; ".xls"
ExcelApp.ActiveWorkBook.SaveAs (strExcelFile)
Set ExcelApp = Nothing

ExpToExcel = True
End Function

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    'Set the variables
    Set MyDoc = busobj.ActiveDocument
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()

End Sub

Property Get Path() As String
    Path = MyDoc.Path
End Property

Property Get DocumentName() As String
    DocumentName = MyDoc.Name
End Property

Property Get TabName() As String
    TabName = "BaseData"
End Property

{edited to include BBCode formatting … DH}

BOJunkie (BOB member since 2005-07-13)

You’ve commented out the lines that put a “face” on the button. I think it is getting added at the end of the toolbar, but since it has a blank “face” it doesn’t look like it’s there.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

so sorry, I should have said.

I get an error on
Application.Clipboard.SetData frmMain.Image1.Picture

saying “Run time error 424 object required”

Thanks again for your help :slight_smile:

BOJunkie (BOB member since 2005-07-13)

That technique uses a copy / paste of a bitmap from a userform to set the “face” of the button. Alternatively, you can set the .FaceID property to a value that represents one of the internal buttons.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

How do you close this tool bar once, the active document is closed. I mean, even after I exit from that report, I still see the tool bar. This means, if I run the report again, I will get one more tool bar!

Bharat :india: (BOB member since 2004-05-03)

You will need to do that checking in the code itself. Look at the code in this utility. It demonstrates one technique for preventing duplicates like you are describing. In other utilities, I have written a “looping” function to go through the toolbars to perform a similar check. You can consider that as well.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

You need to write some code for the document close event. i will look something up and post back shortly.

BOJunkie (BOB member since 2005-07-13)