Headers and Footers

Hi Friends,
I have a funny problem with headers and footers. I have created a template with headers and footers. The footer has some calculated fields. When I apply this template to a report I am not able to see the headers and footers. I can see them if I select the View / Page Layout from the menu. Can somebody help me to get the report with headers and footers without selecting the Page Layout???

Kalyan Jandhyala
InfoStep Inc.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)


Headers and Footers do not appear in the BODY of a report (by nature). If you want to view them, then you must be able to view the header and footer (i.e. in Page Layout Mode), or they must appear in the BODY of the report.

If you have them appear in the body of the report, you can set the ALIGNMENT of them to be relative to a table and still have them ‘FLOAT’ above, and/or below the table appropriately. You may also want to comment on the version of BO that you are using as the treatment of templates changes from 4.1.x to 4.1.3.


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)