Graphical display problem in designer

I’ve searched and found this which seems related but we appear to have some other issues too.

I’ve been adding some tables in Designer and when I move them and click off of them they disappear from view. They are still there as the cursor changes in context as i mouse over them. If I click them they re-appear. I’ve been adding self-joins to these tables and instead of getting a short line from the right hand side I either get a long line that extends off to the left (to page edge) or a line extends a long way to the right. In both cases the line is only ‘actually’ present to the right whether it be clickable or not.

I’ve restarted but it’s not solved anything. The universe can be opened on another machine and displays correctly however another user on this other machine has also experienced these problems in the past.

This is V5.1.8 designer. I have the join set to Horiz/Vert in the options.

Has anyone else experienced something similar.

norty303 :uk: (BOB member since 2003-03-19)

IF you do an to jump to another open app then back do they come back?

Nick Daniels :uk: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)

Yes Nick, the tables re-appear, however the join lines are still shooting off every which way! :slight_smile:

norty303 :uk: (BOB member since 2003-03-19)

When folks are having display problems, I always have to ask what background they’re using on Display Properties - Desktop. Try going to something simple – like just a plain Windows Blue background. Does that help at all?

Or – do you have lots of applications open, some of which might be eating memory up? Could you have a memory leak?

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)

Couple things may be happening…

  1. If Internet Explorer is open, it could be messing with the Color Palettes that are available for the system. It tends to swap the System Palette out for a Web Palette that often does odd things to displays that are using specific System colors.

  2. You didn’t happen to be creating a join to a table that was off the screen, were you? I have seen that Windows will sometimes not retain the fact that the mouse was being held down as it forces the screen to scroll. The will sometimes cause self joins to appear (and those look like spikes just shooting off the table). See if the Ctrl-Z (undo) will uncreate those, or check your Join listings to see if any zombie/orphan joins were created.


digpen :us: (BOB member since 2002-08-15)