Full client report in html view in v6.1?

Did anyone tried displaying full client report in WebIv6.1 using asp ?

I am getting this error
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01A8)
Object required: ‘’

when using the code

<%= WIOutput.GetStringPart("body", False) %>

any thoughts?

Rameshkumark (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

Have you gotten anywhere with this? I can display the report using a recordset, but I’m stuck on the HTMLView…


bdouglas :switzerland: (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

Thanks for your reply
I found it’s working now
The reason was I can’t get wisession using include file
as well as changed the code like this
Response.write(out.GetStringPart(“body”, False))
It’s working now

Rameshkumark (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

I hate to be a bother, but I’m really stuck so far… I am able to open my report, display from the recordset, etc (so I know I’m accessing a report) - my problem comes when I try and access the getview object.

I don’t seem to be able to get to the first / a specific report. Any suggestions, any snippet of code you could share? I’m using ASP and REcom/Wicom, but I’m not beyond changing to JSP.

my code breaksdown at  [i].. getView(OutputFormatType.HTML)	[/i]


bdouglas :switzerland: (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

hi brent can you post your code,
I can have a look

Rameshkumark (BOB member since 2002-08-29)


The first part works, and I see all my prompts ok - I start having problems near the end when I refer to the report indexes, or really any of the calls I’ve tried. I think I have the report open, but I can’t do anything with it.

I have had luck with the dataproviders, but that’s not really what I need.


Set WISession = WebIServer.OpenSession("bd150002","4kings")

DocID = 559778
RepoType = "corporate"
DocType = "wid"       

If WISession.IsValid Then

	response.write("Valid Login!! <br>")
	Response.Cookies("WebIntelligenceSession") = WISession.SessionID
	Response.Cookies("WebIntelligenceSession").Path = "/wijsp"

End If

ReportEngine.Init( WISession.SessionID )

Response.write("ReportEngine.isready:  " )
Response.write(ReportEngine.isready )

Set objDocumentInstance = ReportEngine.OpenDocument(myReport, DocId, RepoType, DocType) 

Response.write("Entry:  " )

	dim Index, Indexes, WebIOutput 
	Indexes = objDocumentInstance.GetIndexes() 
	for each Index in Indexes 

	      objDocumentInstance.Index = Index 
	      set WebIOutput = objDocumentInstance.GetHTMLView(false) 
	      cell = WebIOutput.GetStringPart("body", false) 
	      response.write cell 

bdouglas :switzerland: (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

Hi brent,
I am using COM object using wiasp
haven’t used report engine
can you let me know what error message you are getting and at which line is that showing

Rameshkumark (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

I have tried the JSP solution, too - same error…

I get an error here when I try and use “Getindexes”, object does not support property or method.

My basic problem feels like I’m not getting a specific report in the document, and that’s stopping me from going into the gethml step.

Do you have any snippets that go beyond my initiating the reportserver? That part seems to work, and I do get a good session - just can’t get beyond opening a report and working with it.


bdouglas :switzerland: (BOB member since 2002-08-29)

this is the code i am using to get report name and docid in wiasp
worth to try

For m = 1 to docList.recordCount
If docList.recordCount < 1 then
exit for
If docName= docList.Fields.Item(“Name”) then
DocID = docList.Fields.Item(“docID”)
End if
End if

Rameshkumark (BOB member since 2002-08-29)