Formula Help

BO 4.1, Oracle 7.3. I have a report containing several user prompts, including the ability to select a reporting period between mm/yyyy (select beginning date) and mm/yyyy (select ending date).

We report on different types of premiums that have “flags” of Submit (submitted business) and Paid (paid business). We have a need for a report that sums the following, with “Monthly” being the ending date of the user prompt, and YTD being the total for all the reporting months, starting with beginning date through the ending date.

Policy Company XX
Submitted Premium Paid
Marketing Company Monthly YTD Monthly YTD

ABC Company
DEF Company

I have made the following submitted objects, and have similar ones for paid business:

Submitted Prem =Sum() where (<Paid/Submitted Flag> = “SUBMIT”)
YTD Submitted Premium =Sum() ForAll <Reporting Month/Year (MM YY)>
Monthly =Max(<Reporting Month/Year (MM YY)>).

I tried =Sum() Where (<Reporting Month/Year (MM YY)>=""). Didn’t work.

It works fine if I make an object that sums the premiums for a given date: for example, Nov Premium =Sum() Where (<Paid/Submitted Flag>=“SUBMIT” And <Reporting Month/Year (MM YY)>=“11/98”). What I need to be able to do is make a variable that sums the monthly premiums, paid or submit, for the date that the user selects as the ending date. Do I need to restructure my prompts to utilize a user response function?

I am currently using 2 queries to feed one report; one for Current Month (dynamic based on sys date), and one for YTD. The users want to have one query, and have control of the time periods.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Kathy Williams

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Hi, All! I need some help with a formula.

I would like to show the if the is one in the list AND the is 2000. Below is the formula I tried. It leaves the entire column blank even if the requirements are met.

= If ( InList (“SODCNF”, “SOIDIR”) And (=“2000”)) Then

If I leave out the reference to the , it works correctly.

I have also tried the formula: = If (=î2000î) Then It also leaves the entire column blank.

The object is defined as a Dimension and the Type is Character.

Is there something I am missing?

Susan Fowler
ISM Fastening Systems

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Try it with no quotes.

Dwyian N. Davis
Business Objects Consultant

From: Susan Fowler [SMTP:sfowler@CCIA.COM] Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 2:06 PM

Hi, All! I need some help with a formula.

I would like to show the if the is one in the
list AND the is 2000. Below is the formula I tried. It leaves the entire column blank even if the requirements are met.

= If ( InList (“SODCNF”, “SOIDIR”) And (=“2000”)) Then

If I leave out the reference to the , it works correctly.

I have also tried the formula: = If (=“2000”) Then It also leaves the entire column blank.

The object is defined as a Dimension and the Type is Character.

Is there something I am missing?

Susan Fowler
ISM Fastening Systems

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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

I may have spoken too quickly. It works with no quotes when it is defined as part of a date object.

Dwyian N. Davis
Business Objects Consultant

From: Davis, Dwyian N

Try it with no quotes.

Dwyian N. Davis
Business Objects Consultant

From: Susan Fowler [SMTP:sfowler@CCIA.COM] Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 2:06 PM

Hi, All! I need some help with a formula.

I would like to show the if the is one in the
list AND the is 2000. Below is the formula I tried. It leaves the entire column blank even if the requirements are met.

= If ( InList (“SODCNF”, “SOIDIR”) And (=“2000”)) Then

If I leave out the reference to the , it works correctly.

I have also tried the formula: = If (=“2000”) Then It also leaves the entire column blank.

The object is defined as a Dimension and the Type is Character.

Is there something I am missing?

Susan Fowler
ISM Fastening Systems

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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)