BusinessObjects Board

Formula for adding from from the same filed

I have a report which values as following:

State Revenue

SC                          75475

SE                           37373

VA                          63743

IN                            65444

IL                           87655

I want to sum the revenue for the states SC and SE ,VA and IN and have used the formula below

=Sum() ForEach() Where (=“SC AND SE”) does not work where as If iam giving in the way

=Sum() ForEach() Where (=“SC”) is working.Can any one have done this before.

Roger123 (BOB member since 2005-12-18)

Look at this Reporter FAQ entry, please: Why do I get an error when I try to Sum() Where ( > 2000)?

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

It is of not any help for me because I want to use 2 values…which is not allowing me to do…

Roger123 (BOB member since 2005-12-18)

Try using the WebI formula (which you can turn into a variable):

=Sum(If([State] InList (“SC”;“SE”);[Revenue];0))

Syntax for DeskI is:

=sum( If InList (“SC”, “SE”) Then else 0)

JMCabot (BOB member since 2005-12-21)

The very same principle applies as outlined in the Reporter FAQ:

Create a “Flag” variable (data type BOOLEAN):

= <STATE> = "OH" OR <STATE> = "GA"

Now create your measure variable:

= SUM (<Measure>) WHERE (<FLAG> = 1)

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)