File could not be open

I saved a full client report to my personal documents in webi.When iam trying to edit the document in my personal document,Iam getting an error"File could not be open"
Do you any one know why was it happenning
Thanks in advance

rao (BOB member since 2003-06-02)

You cant edit full client reports in Webi, just refresh it.

Rich :uk: (BOB member since 2002-10-04)

Yes i know we can edit full client reports in webi.I do not have any problems in refreshing/editing the report in corporate list.When iam editing the document in my personal document list iam getting file cannot be opened error

rao (BOB member since 2003-06-02)

You Cannot Edit FULL Client Documents in WEBI.

From where got information that u can edit ful clinet reports in WEBI.

For Editing full clinet reports u need ZABO or Full client software on ur machine.

JaiGupta (BOB member since 2002-09-12)

I have zabo,Thats the reason iam trying to edit the reports.Its throwing the error in webiASP but out of webi(standard) iam able to edit the reports with out any issues.

rao (BOB member since 2003-06-02)

What is the excat error messgae ur getting when u ry to open . (Exact error number)?

Did u installed ZABO or Full client on your machine?

What version is your Webi and Full client/ZABO on your machine

JaiGupta (BOB member since 2002-09-12)

There is no error number,Msg says"File cannot be opened".I did not installed ZABO /full client on my machine.We are running on webi 2.7.3

rao (BOB member since 2003-06-02)

So u don’t have neither ZABO or full client on your machine.

when u click on Edit link of the report then a message box will pop up asking you to install ZABO. Did u clicked yes or no to it?

You need to click yes to it.

JaiGupta (BOB member since 2002-09-12)

I launch zabo when editing the documents thats wht i mean to say in my previous note.

rao (BOB member since 2003-06-02)

When I’m experiencing these problems, first action to understand is (being application administrator) to connect to server, go to folder \user and double click on the file.

If busobj is able to run and open, then I move to application. Normally the file is simply corrupted (many possible reasons for this).


alex :it: (BOB member since 2002-08-23)