export with Universe

What is the advantage of ‘export with universe’ option? If I have some custom LOV (like if I re-write LOV defenition and set option to do not generate query) if I choose option ‘Refresh before use’, can’t it create LOV dynamically?? I am little concern, what is the real purpose of ‘Export with Universe’ option??


Niceman (BOB member since 2003-07-15)

If you have your own lov’s defined and export with universe is not set then the lov definition will be lost.

reemagupta (BOB member since 2002-09-18)

Bottom line: Whenever you customize LOVs you must export them with the universe.

The purpose of exporting LOVs with the universe is:

A) To preserve the definition of customized LOVs


B) To export the List of Values itself (Such as: Atlanta, Columbus, New York, etc.)

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

You were provided good answers above but I wanted to add convenience. Say you have a large table with somewhat static values if you create the LOV in designer and export it with the Universe the user will see those values pop up almost instantaneuouly when they select show LOV; otherwise, each user will sit through a select distinct the first time they try to see the values. Depending on the size of the table this can be somewhat painful.

I know, I know, we try and avoid creating any LOV’s based on any large/detail level table but in reality this does happen and taking the initial hit when building the object adds a little convenience for the user.

jswoboda :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

There is another alternative to this “painful” procedure – and that is, that a small dimension table could be used as the source of such an object – and the LOV could be more quickly refreshed.

Anita Craig :us: (BOB member since 2002-06-17)