Error when exportin report to excel

The error that you are getting is a result of an #EMPTY cell within the
Business Objects report. To solve this, you can either export the
document as an *.slk file or a *.txt file. This should solve the

When exporting report to excel:
Data->View->Export Xls

I receive the message:
“Syntax error in field definition (3292)”

What is the remedy?

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

— Reçu de UAI.MARTELF 03 21 63 21 20 20/04/99 17.39 —

From: sudman@BLL.CO.IL

Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 05:11:05 -0400


When exporting report to excel:
Data->View->Export Xls

I receive the message:
“Syntax error in field definition (3292)”

What is the remedy?

The cause of your problem may be the name of the objects that you want to
This is the response that i obtain from the hotline BO

This error message is displayed when exporting data microcubes to Excel via
the Data Manager window.

BusinessObjects is using Microsoft’s Data Access Objects (DAO) technology to
provide this feature. This technology has some limitations.

This error message appears when:

-special characters are used in object names, including
= & @ ° $ % * < > , : ; ? ! § £ ~ ¤ µ + # . / \ ’ ( ) { } "

-object names match Microsoft Jet database engine reserved words, including

Do not use special characters or reserved words in object names.

A fix has been provided in the service pack 2 ( 4.1.2 ) which allows the
following characters in object names:

. / \ ’ _ ( ) { } + " $

The fix converts these characters to an underscore ( _ ) in the Excel file.

The value #EMPTY can also generate this kind of error message during a data
export from BusinessObjects to an Excel File. This value corresponds to a
NULL value in the database.

The best solution is to create a filter in the object in order to replace
each occurrence of NULL by another value (for example, 0). An example of
this is the decode function in Oracle.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Actually one of the advantages of exporting to Excel is that it leaves an
#EMPTY cell empty, instead of putting the word “NULL” in it. Another
advantage is that it handles double quotes and multiple lines inside a text
cell without getting confused and skipping to the next line. However, there
are certain characters it doesn’t like, for example “|”, and these will
cause a syntax error. Another way to get a syntax error is to use a
reserved word as a field name, and I don’t remember exactly what the error
message is for each of those cases (haven’t had one in a while). If it’s a
field name, you can change it in your SQL.

The disadvantages of exporting to Excel are that it makes a date into
characters, and you can’t format it as a date (unless you convert it back -
I use macros to do this), and it takes a lot longer to do the export.

For me the advantages out weigh the disadvantages. I export a lot of free
form text that other people type, and it’s faster to go directly to Excel
and run a macro to change the dates, than to manually fix all the folded
lines of text and run a macro to change “NULL” to an empty cell.

Caution - I’m using - your mileage may vary with different

Jack Mathis

From: Ott, Jeff (JC)[SMTP:jcott@DOW.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 10:08 AM

The error that you are getting is a result of an #EMPTY cell within the
Business Objects report. To solve this, you can either export the
document as an *.slk file or a *.txt file. This should solve the

When exporting report to excel:
Data->View->Export Xls

I receive the message:
“Syntax error in field definition (3292)”

What is the remedy?

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)