Error (206 # Multivalue)

Ive got a report, I have just scheduled it and I set a condition when I was scheduling via the BCA.

My condition was,

= <date 1> = <date 2>
= <date 3> = <date 4>

Sometimes the first condition wont be true, but the second will hence the OR. However when I schedule it its fails, the error msg I see in the Console is 206 #Multivalue, whats the issue ?

If I try the same condition in the report its fine :wah: :wah:

Fiona :uk: (BOB member since 2002-12-16)

Hi Fiona,

I am facing the same issue. Did you get it fixed, if yes then please let me know.


arunkchaubey :canada: (BOB member since 2006-02-22)