I am attempting to request several enhancements for the DocAgent Server soon. I would like to elicit some feedback from other users in an effort to support my business case.
Specifically, several things come to mind. Recently, we have been discussing the MANGER universe and attempting to create other universes to report off of repository information. I think BO should add functionality into DocAgent to be able to simply click PRINT and a report of the currently scheduled documents and their action/information would be created. Does this sound useful to any of you?
I would appreciate any other enhancement ideas that may be out there and I might be able to help with your business case as well.
Tim K Heuer
PacifiCare Health Systems
(714) 825-5702 - office
(800) 946-4645 pin 1404017 - pager heuer_tk@exchange.phs.com
I think BO should add functionality into DocAgent to be able to
simply click PRINT and a
report of the currently scheduled documents and their
action/information would be created. Does this sound useful >to any of you?
Firstly, yes!
Another enhancement directly to do with the Doc Agent and repository (although possibly this should be a User module one) is the ability to replace a report on the DocAgent with another one ie. if you make a couple of minor changes to a report that is already scheduled on the DAS then you have to delete the one already on the DAS and go through the process of setting up all the scheduling and distribution options again and resubmit to DAS. What I would like to see is if a document is submitted to the DAS, it first checks to see if the report name (or filename) AND owner is the same as one already present and asks whether you want to replace the one on the DAS using the same scheduling and distribution settings. This would save an awful lot of trouble if there has only been a simple change to the report.
Unless I have missed something obvious, what do others think?
One final thing, does anyone know how to set the value of the variable $BO_FOLDER_ON_SERVER$ . This obviously assumes that DAS is running on the web-server (or machine where a file share is set up). I would like to be able to set either the variable value or at least the default values of the ‘Distribute via web server’ and ‘Distribute via the server file system’ to a UNC path rather than having to train users into remembering to enter things like \uk1x23\deptname\webreports\ etc.
What I would like to see is some version control over documents (reports and universes) in repository. Or at least letting only one user at a time to retrieve document for editing.
…or am I missing something and it is done?
Ryszard Mikke
Sorry if you can’t see the subject. Something breaks my headers. – ==> Hiroshima '45 Tschernobyl '86 Windows '95 <== – R.Mikke@pl.vwfsag.de
Great idea. Here are a few requests from some of my users.
Have the ability to select what printer I want documents to be printed to.
Have the ability to send a note along with a query so that you could tell the receiver of the query what they should looking at in the reports or what report changed in the query.
Have the ability to selectively print a report out of a query that has multiple reports attached to it.
Have the ability to see how many jobs are currently pending on the server not just your own jobs. This would allow you to make the decision on whether to run your query locally or on the DAC.
Have the ability to change a query and still be able to execute it on the DAC, not just locally.
You Wrote:
I am attempting to request several enhancements for the DocAgent Server soon. I would like to elicit some feedback from other users in an effort to support my business case.