Embedding HTML in an object for WebI

I am trying to build an object for use in a WebI 2.0 document that will pull in a .GIF image (for the purpose of displaying a company logo in a report). I have a copy of a presentation given at the Orlando user conference that shows examples, so I believe it can be done. However I have been unsuccessful in getting it to work.

I have tried two examples, one referencing a .GIF image and the other just trying to display simple HTML text. The objects are defined as follows:

Object 1-

Object 2-

This is HTML

When I pull these objects into a report, what shows up is everything located between the single quotes (i.e.

This is HTML

). Obviously this is not the desired result. I had hoped to see just ( This is HTML ).

Has anyone done this successfully, and if so what am I missing? Thanks.


– Ron Sinicki
– Braun Technology Group
– (317) 822-4510

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Ron wrote:

I am trying to build an object for use in a WebI 2.0 document that will pull in a .GIF image (for the purpose of displaying a company logo in a report). I have a copy of a presentation given at the Orlando user conference that shows examples, so I believe it can be done. However I have been unsuccessful in getting it to work.

I have tried two examples, one referencing a .GIF image and the other just trying to display simple HTML text. The objects are defined as follows:

Object 1-

Object 2-

This is HTML

When I pull these objects into a report, what shows up is everything located
between the single quotes (i.e.

This is HTML

). Obviously this is not the desired result. I had hoped to see just ( This is HTML ).

Has anyone done this successfully, and if so what am I missing? Thanks. _____________________________________________- Ron,
I have not worked a lot with WEBI, but there are some options in the BusinessObjects that allows you to format a cell to read it as HTML. Hopefully it can be applied to WEBI. When you format a cell there is a check box that says, Read as HTML. There is also a Bitmap format that will take the value of a cell which needs to be a path to a bitmap and will find that bitmap and display it in the cell. Hope can provide some help for you.

Glenn Fredericks
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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

If you haven’t already done so, make sure that the object is defined as containing HTML – it’s one of the object options in Designer.

Timo Elliott

From: Ron Sinicki [SMTP:rsinicki@BRAUNTECH.COM] Sent: Thursday, December 03, 1998 12:34

I am trying to build an object for use in a WebI 2.0 document that will pull in a .GIF image (for the purpose of displaying a company logo in a report). I have a copy of a presentation given at the Orlando user conference that shows examples, so I believe it can be done. However I have been unsuccessful in getting it to work.

I have tried two examples, one referencing a .GIF image and the other just trying to display simple HTML text. The objects are defined as follows:

Object 1-

Object 2-

This is HTML

When I pull these objects into a report, what shows up is everything located
between the single quotes (i.e.

This is HTML

). Obviously this is not the desired result. I had hoped to see just ( This is HTML ).

Has anyone done this successfully, and if so what am I missing? Thanks.


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

On Thu, 3 Dec 1998 13:12:35 -0800, Timo Elliott TElliott@BUSINESSOBJECTS.COM wrote:

If you haven’t already done so, make sure that the object is defined as containing HTML – it’s one of the object options in Designer.

Timo Elliott


Where is this option set in Designer? I can’t seem to find it. Thanks.


– Ron Sinicki
– Braun Technology Group
– (317) 822-4510

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Sorry – it’s actually under object formatting, on the “number” tab, in the lower-left hand corner (if you don’t have this, it may be that you need a later point release of Designer).


Where is this option set in Designer? I can’t seem to find it. Thanks.


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)