drill down + aggregrate awareness

Hi ,
I have 2 data providers in my report.In the firts data provider I will be fetching some measures with some dimentions .
In the second data provider I will be fetching some more measures with some more dimentions.
I have created aggregrates in my universe.
I am not able to set the same scope of analysis for both the dataproviders.This is because of using aggregrate awareness , which results in incompatible combination of objects.But I will be able to drill down on the second dataproviders measures because scope of analysis for the first data provider is set.
Now my question is , whether the query fetches wrong result when I drill down?

Thanks a lot for the help given

pradeep.bm :india: (BOB member since 2004-06-09)

When you do a drill down BO doesn’t fetch rows again from the DB by writing a query but it has already got all the lower level details within the microcube the first time you run your query with the desired Scope Of Analysis… Do you have Dimension across Both DP’s that are common and linked or how do you link the two DP’s???

Sridharan :india: (BOB member since 2002-11-08)

Hi Sridhar,
Thanks for the reply.The 2 dps are linked with some(i.e 4) common dimentions.The first dp has 8 dimentions and second is giving 4 dimentions and they are linked with 4 dimentions.The other 4 dimentions from the first dp couldnot be dragged into the second dp ,as it resuls in “Incompatible combination of objects” error.
The two dps are getting different measures.
Now you are able to drill by the other 4 dimentions of the first dp.
What i was asking is how does this affects the measues of the second db


pradeep.bm :india: (BOB member since 2004-06-09)