I am trying to create a report that shows me the DocAgent schedule. I have everything but the date and time it is running. I know the date is in number of seconds since Dec 15, 1970 (where that came from who knows), but how can I convert this to a ‘real’ date?
Right now I am prototyping this is Access to see if I can do it, and will then see if I can use the same functions in BO.
Any help?
Tim K Heuer
PacifiCare Health Systems
(714) 825-5702 - office
(800) 946-4645 pin 1404017 - pager heuer_tk@exchange.phs.com
Use the Reporter formula for RelativeDate. You need to take your variable and do a conversion to get a number of days.
From the Reporter side, your variable will look something like:
=RelativeDate((todate(‘12-15-1970’,“mm-dd-yyyy”), (/86400))
This will obtain you the number of days by dividing the seconds by 86400 (number of seconds in a day) and then adding that number of days to the Date of December 15th, 1970. Sorry if this won’t parse right away as it is off the top of my head, but someone should be able to get that to work with a little playing.
Has anyone else been able to manipulate the security/document tables to print out a DAS schedule to include any users that the doc will be sent to?
I got to the point to print out the schedule of the documents with the next print date (not the time), but not to whom it is going to or the actual submitted schedule (i.e. Mondays at 3am).
Tim K Heuer
PacifiCare Health Systems
(714) 825-5702 - office
(800) 946-4645 pin 1404017 - pager heuer_tk@exchange.phs.com
I think this question has been asked before, but I’ll try it again. If documents are scheduled to the DAS, and any changes are made to the document, is there a way to replace the document out in that particular schedule rather than deleting the job and re-submitting all the information?
Tim K Heuer
PacifiCare Health Systems
(714) 825-5702 - office
(800) 946-4645 pin 1404017 - pager heuer_tk@exchange.phs.com
What would cause the Document Agent Server to randomly go offline at any given time? Our DAS is running as a service on an NT Server and it is constantly going offline. Do the jobs that were scheduled get executed once the DAS comes back online?
Tim Heuer
PacifiCare Health Systems
(714) 825-5702
(800) 759-8888 pin 1251901 - pager tim.heuer@phs.com
which version? is it stopping or crashing? If i’m not wrong i heard that is not a good idea to run DAS as an NT service. So my suggestion is run DAS as an application from the Start menu. Other things to consider a) Enough space on you TEMP dir.(there is a limit on numb of files) b)enough table space on the repository. hope this helps. daniel azar . cesca software
What would cause the Document Agent Server to randomly go offline at
given time? Our DAS is running as a service on an NT Server and it is constantly going offline. Do the jobs that were scheduled get
once the DAS comes back online?
Tim Heuer
PacifiCare Health Systems
(714) 825-5702
(800) 759-8888 pin 1251901 - pager tim.heuer@phs.com
DAS is sensitive to several resource problems, especially running low on physical and virtual memory. We have addressed this issue (and others) in the replacement for DAS. It features a new distributed component architecture as pioneered in WebIntelligence. Expect a much more robust product.