I have experienced this problem myself before. Also, despite the error message, the documents were still sent to DAS, although they were scheduled for an hour later than they should have been.
This problem is due to a corrupted default.ret file in the BO template sub-directory.
To resolve this, create a backup copy of your default.ret (just in case). You can then recreate another default.ret by:
- In reporter create a new, simple query, anything will do, and generate a standard report.
- Go to Data -> View, select ‘Query 1 with …’ on the left hand window, delete it and all the objects and hit OK. You’ll now have a report with not much info on it, only the “Free Form Report” header. * Re-save as default.ret in your template directory.
Next time you send a report to the DAS, it there will be no error message about it being off-line, and the report will execute at the time specified, rather than one hour later.
______________________________ Forward Header ________________________________
Date: 18/11/98 08:25
… When we are sending a document from a user to to the DocAgent we are getting the message “Server DocAgentT1 is not Online”…
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)