<<The work around would be a series of ‘if then’ type statements. For
<<= if Isnull() then else if Isnull() then
<< -
Thanks for the suggestion. I had tried something similar, but I am still
not getting the formula to work when data does not exist for an intersection
under the crosstab. The cross tab is set up as follows
Scenario Name
(Value 1 of Scenario) (Value 2 of Scenario) Variance
The Formula I am using for the variance is as follows…
= If IsNull( Where (=“Actuals”)) Then
Where( = “Plan”) Else If IsNull( Where (=“Plan”)) Then Where (=“Actuals”) Else
Where (=“Actuals”)- Where (=“Plan”)
This formula should yield a value in the variance column for any case, yet
it is still not calculating a variance when revenue does not exist for a
scenario – either Actuals or Plan!
Actually <Revenue> is not "Null" when you see blank displayed.
It means, there is no record retrieved from database for that
Which version of BO are you using.
Because <Revenue> Where (<Scenario Name>="Actuals")-<Revenue> Where
(=“Plan”), seems to be giving correct results for me.
Im using BO 4.1.3
-- Vasan
Thanks for the suggestion. I had tried something similar, but I am still
not getting the formula to work when data does not exist for an
under the crosstab. The cross tab is set up as follows
Scenario Name
(Value 1 of Scenario) (Value 2 of Scenario) Variance
The Formula I am using for the variance is as follows…
= If IsNull( Where (=“Actuals”)) Then
Where( = “Plan”) Else If IsNull( Where (=“Plan”)) Then Where (=“Actuals”) Else
Where (=“Actuals”)- Where (=“Plan”)
This formula should yield a value in the variance column for any case, yet
it is still not calculating a variance when revenue does not exist for a
scenario – either Actuals or Plan!