BusinessObjects Board

Difference between two time columns


I have two columns for current week and last week displaying hours/minutes taken to respond to a ticket e.g. 02:13

Current Week = 02:13
Last Week = 02:23

WoW = Current Week - Last Week

When I try to create this formula is errors which invalid data type. Is there a way I can create this formula?

Below is the variable which creates the measures:

=If([Time Seconds (Response)]>86400) Then
[Time Days (Response)]+" "+
FormatNumber(Floor(Mod([Time Seconds (Response)];86400)/3600) ;"00") + ":" + 
FormatNumber(Floor(Mod(Mod([Time Seconds (Response)];86400) ;3600)/60) ;"00") 	
FormatNumber(Floor([Time Seconds (Response)]/3600) ;"00") + ":" + 
FormatNumber(Floor(Mod([Time Seconds (Response)] ;3600)/60) ;"00") 

Ram56 (BOB member since 2019-02-05)

your current and last week are of type string.
convert it to type date/time and then use daysbetween() or timebetween()

something like that:

n8aktiv :de: (BOB member since 2018-12-29)