Developing in WebI

X-cc: “North, Rick”


I’m trying to get ideas of how everyone is doing development in WebI. Currently, We have Dev, Test, and Prod universes but when I develop a query in WebI, I do not have the option to change the universe after it’s created. If I choose Prod, then in order to test it, I have to run against prod data but I want to run against dev, or test, without having to recreate the report from scratch. Has anyone come up with a better solution? Or has anyone heard from Bus. Obj. when this might be changing to allow you to switch the universe on which you run the report?

Thanks much,


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Here is the response I got from BO about this issue. “You save the wqy files to personal documents as a GS, logout, move the files to a different WebI or use a different BOMain.key to point to a different security domain, login to WebI as a GS and then open the documents and publish them to the repository.”

Mastercard International.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

If you just want to test the data in Development, Test and Production then you can do the following: Create the universes from the Production Universe. Change the connect stings for the universes at the group level and point them to Dev and test. This was how we got around the limitation. This basically means that you will not have three different sets of reports and the universes in test and Dev will be redundant. But this will get the job done.
Good Luck.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

When you change the connection strings of the universe in the supervisor module, doesn’t it change it for all levels not just that group?

If you just want to test the data in Development, Test and Production then you can do the following: Create the universes from the Production Universe. Change the connect stings for the universes at the group level and point them to Dev and test. This was how we got around the limitation. This basically means that you will not have three different sets of reports and the universes in test and Dev will be redundant. But this will get the job done.
Good Luck.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

Nope, it changes only for that group. You can have one universe defined for three different groups pointing to Development, Test and Production. We do this all the time.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)