We are working with WebI6.1.
The client version has more futures then WebI.
I think to develop reports in full client application, publish them to Corprate reports and
open in web.
What may be implications of this way?
May be this would influence on performence or anything more?
Thank you
Yes, the client still has more functiontionality than WebI.
Many customers still develop alot of reports in the client. However, your interaction with those reports is limited. You can refresh and fill in prompts, but that’s all.
From a performance perpective, full-client reports refreshed via WebI are still very resource intense.
I try to build reports in WebI when possible. Many reports are possible in WebI. The very complex ones are done in the client.
I was wondering why FC reports, published to your Webi server, are “still very resource intense”. Do you mean this is just because they CAN contain more functionality and complexity?
If someone asked me if there’s a difference between two identical reports except for the tool they were developed in (one in FC, one in WEBI) I would say “No”. The SQL generated by the WEBI server should be identical.
Furthermore I can state that I’ve seen no particular problems publishing FC-reports through Webi.
Whenever a Full Client Report is refreshed in WebI, the WebI server has to start a more or less full blown Business Objects Full Client Reporter application (on Unix it is called Bolight) - this is what causes the overhead compared to native WebI reports, which are refreshed using the WebI engine.
The difference is that a full client document refreshed in Webi requires that a busobj.exe be envoked on the server. This process is more resource intensive than the wiqt that is required to refresh Webi native documents.