Designer connection error: SBO001


I am trying to utilize connections already created (Secured) to create a new universe. However, for some reason my tests fail and I am unable to connect to the source db.

I have tried to reconfigure the connections, create my own (Personal)…still no luck. I went through all of the steps per Error Messages explained: I believe the middleware is installed correctly, the connection parameters are valid, and I know the db isn’t down.

Interestingly, I have successfully utilized these connections until now for months via both BusObj and Designer…!..? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

db: SQL Server 2k
drivers: SQL Server 2k and ODBC
Designer and BusObj 6.1a


ejjohnson (BOB member since 2004-06-17)

On item:
Check for conflicting USER DSN versus SYSTEM DSN entries, check the exact spelling of your DSN (case sensitive).

You want to be positive on this.

SB0001: problem with DB middleware, or Business Objects connection parameters, or DB down

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)


Many thanks for your reply! The DSNs I have used previously exist only as System DSNs (per Secured connections). I just attempted to create a new DSN as a User DSN without success. However, I can “see” the target db. I guess the next step is an uninstall/reinstall of the drivers?

BTW, I am running XP.

Thanks again!

ejjohnson (BOB member since 2004-06-17)

Friends of BOB,

Having continued to try to rebuild and reconfigure my connections locally I’m still at a loss for what is prompting my inability to connect to the db. I have all of the DSN usernames/passwords and rights for creating, maintaining, and using the DSNs. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks and TGIF,

ejjohnson (BOB member since 2004-06-17)

Then the first step would be to find out was has changed recently…

Andreas :de: (BOB member since 2002-06-20)

Has the dbo changed the password…?

Many thanks, Mark and Andreas!

I spoke with the DBA when I first experienced this issue and we: a.) confirmed the DSN names/passwords, b.) reconfiged the entire connection via ODBC, c.) confirmed the target server and db, d.) confirmed my BusObj permissions (both per my Designer rights and Unv/Connections access).



ejjohnson (BOB member since 2004-06-17)

I found the error - an invalid port value was being used for the DSN.
The default, not the assigned.


ejjohnson (BOB member since 2004-06-17)