define systemdate as an object in designer


I tried to define an object that contains ‘sysdate’ in designer. Using Oracle it’s simple ‘select sysdate from dual’. But in designer I can’t seem to define an object like that. I always get the error: invalid tablename or something.
What’s the content of the select-box in designer for that ?

Thanks, Nils

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

If you create an object with the select statement of sysdate it will not parse. This is ok as long as you always select this object with another object.

Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)

You can define an object as sysdate by doing the following:

‘Type’ set to Date

sysdate in select box

click tables button and select a table (probably any table)


Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)



and that’s all. Designer will not parse it, as it contains no column, but it will work anyway…

Ryszard Mikke

–==> Hiroshima’45 Tschernobyl’86 Windows’95 <==--

From: Nils & Gerda De Caster - Torck[SMTP:nilsdc@XS4ALL.BE]
Sent: 31 pazdziernika 1998 20:18


I tried to define an object that contains ‘sysdate’ in designer. Using Oracle it’s simple ‘select sysdate from dual’. But in designer I can’t seem to define an object like that. I always get the
error: invalid tablename or something.
What’s the content of the select-box in designer for that ?

Thanks, Nils

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Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)