I tried to define an object that contains ‘sysdate’ in designer. Using Oracle it’s simple ‘select sysdate from dual’. But in designer I can’t seem to define an object like that. I always get the error: invalid tablename or something.
What’s the content of the select-box in designer for that ?
If you create an object with the select statement of sysdate it will not parse. This is ok as long as you always select this object with another object.
From: Nils & Gerda De Caster - Torck[SMTP:nilsdc@XS4ALL.BE]
Sent: 31 pazdziernika 1998 20:18
I tried to define an object that contains ‘sysdate’ in designer. Using Oracle it’s simple ‘select sysdate from dual’. But in designer I can’t seem to define an object like that. I always get the
error: invalid tablename or something.
What’s the content of the select-box in designer for that ?