In a message dated 98-09-11 02:34:16 EDT, you write:
How can I make the “Associate a List of Values” be unticked as a
Illustration: While in BusinessObjects Designer, right click on any object and select
“Object Properties…”. Click on the “Properties” tab. The “Associate a List of Values” is ticked by default. How can I change this default setting?
I don’t think that there is currently a feature to do this.
If you are inclined to do so, however, you can directly update the universe objects in the repository. Of all of the modifications that are possible (none of which are supported by BusinessObjects, by the way, so take that into account before performing any of these actions) this is one of the most straight forward.
Log in to your repository database, and get a list of columns for the UNV_OBJCONTENT table. One of the columns is OBJ_LIST_VALUES. It contains information in the following format:
Position 1,Position 2,Position 3,Position 4,Position 5
Position 1 is the LOV name and can be up to 8 characters long
Position 2-5 are single character elements separated by commas, showing the following values:
2 = Y or N, N means No list of values
3 = U or N, U means users can edit, N means users cannot edit 4 = R or N, R means refresh each time, N means no auto refresh 5 = E or N, E means export with universe, N means no export
So, if you edit this column in the table you can adjust all objects for a particular universe.
There is another column, OBJ_LOVID, that contains the document ID in the document tables that contains exported list of values. If you leave this ID set with a value other than 0 (zero) and adjust the prior column then you will leave irregularities in your repository. To be safe, only adjust the OBJ_LIST_VALUES column where the OBJ_LOVID is some non-zero value.
As I stated before, any direct modification to the repository is not supported. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen…
Dave Rathbun
Integra Solutions
Listserv Archives (BOB member since 2002-06-25)