BusinessObjects Board

Days (Date) withiout "Sales"

I have a Fact Table that has SalesQty figures for every day where sales occured. WebIntelligence users would like to create a cross table that has the dates colums.

We do only get the dates that have sales transaction associated. But users would like to see ALL Dates (a year has). The cross_table values should then just sohw ‘0’.

My Approch would be: (but there is likely another best practice for it)
I could create another BO Object “potential date” that has ALL potential dates involved, by creating a materialized view, that has stored this dates. Users would then need to pick the “potential Date” for their crosstable. Has anyone a better idea?!

prinzartus :austria: (BOB member since 2006-09-07)

Similar discussion here.

Dwayne Hoffpauir :us: (BOB member since 2002-09-19)

Thanks, currently i am trying the
[… 1. At the universe level, a creative outer join to a table (maybe an alias or derived table) that has all possibilities. …] but I dont get the creative outer join done yet. A normal outer join does not seem to work yet. :crazy_face:

prinzartus :austria: (BOB member since 2006-09-07)