I am working with designer 6.1a and a DB2 database. My problem is this:
I currently have a universe that prompts for a to and from date based on if the user selects 1 of 2 different date objects. The code is:
WHEN @Prompt('Date Criteria:','A',{'Transaction Date','Settlement Date'},mono,constrained) = 'Transaction Date'
THEN @Select(Transaction Details\Transaction Date)
WHEN @Prompt('Date Criteria:','A',{'Transaction Date','Settlement Date'},mono,constrained) = 'Settlement Date'
THEN @Select(Transaction Details\Settlement Date)
END >= @Prompt('From Date:','D',,mono,free)
WHEN @Prompt('Date Criteria:','A',{'Transaction Date','Settlement Date'},mono,constrained) = 'Transaction Date'
THEN @Select(Transaction Details\Transaction Date)
WHEN @Prompt('Date Criteria:','A',{'Transaction Date','Settlement Date'},mono,constrained) = 'Settlement Date'
THEN @Select(Transaction Details\Settlement Date)
END <= @Prompt('To Date:','D',,mono,free)
This code needs to be changed so that there is no longer a to and from date entered, but rather they get prompted for:
last week (Monday 00:00:00 through Sunday 23:59:59)
last month (00:00:00 1st calendar day of previous month through 23:59:59 of last calendar day of previous month)
last quarter (00:00:00 of 1st calendar day of the calendar qtr through 23:59:59 of last calendar day of the calendar qtr)
last year (Jan 1 through Dec 31)
They should still be able to choose either the transaction date or settlement date for either of these options. Do I need to create new objects for each of the above parameters and try modifying the existing prompt to incorporate them? You’ll have to forgive me, I haven’t worked much with prompts like these.
Any help is appreciated.
Shelley (BOB member since 2003-09-15)