I have a number of predefined conditions that prompt users for dates, the data type is ‘D’ and if my user wants to run a report for say September 9, 1998 they input 9/4/98. I noticed yesterday that when I look at the SQL running on the database the date appears as 04/09/98. This works just fine but I’m wondering if anyone knows why the date reformats to dd/mm/yy vs. mm/dd/yy?
You need to change your object format into mm/dd/yy. I am giving a step by step procedure. just try to do that.
Go to the Designer module and open your universe 2. Press your right mouse button on the date field. 3. Select the object format from the menu 4. Select date/time format
Select the format mm/dd/yy (right side window) 6. Save your universe.
Now run your report. thats it. your report is ready. If it works, pls respond me. If not, i will give u another way to solve this problem.
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This may be nothing to do with BO as such, but may be something to do with the regional settings on the PC. For example, English (United Kingdom) gives you dd/mm/yy whilst English (United States) would give you mm/dd/yy.
______________________________ Reply Separator _______________________________
Author: Julie Moran Julie.Moran@FOREMOSTFARMS.COM at Internet
Date: 09/09/ 0 07:45
… This works just fine but I’m wondering if anyone knows why the date reformats to dd/mm/yy vs. mm/dd/yy?
We had the same problem. You need to change a couple of settings in the ociv7.sbo file. This file is located in the Oracle directory within your Business Obejcts directory. The default date formats in this file are set to dd/mm/yy.
Change the following settings in the [DEFAULTS] section:
Not the regional settings on your client – the regional settings on your Oracle Database server.
For example, the date format on our Oracle server is ‘DD-MON-YY’. The date format on my client PC is ‘mm/dd/yy’. So, if I enter a date condition value of 12/10/98, BO converts that to ‘10-DEC-98’ when generating the SQL. If I change my client date format to dd/mm/yy, when I enter 12/10/98 BO converts that to ‘12-OCT-98’.
Thanks for the response but I’m not actually using an object, I’m using the following predefined condition:
trunc(IC_TRAN_CMP_VW3.TRANS_DATE) <= @Prompt(‘End Date (MM/DD/YY)’,‘D’,MONO,FREE)
Then when I enter 9/4/98 and send the query to the database I have a tool called Precise where I can go and look at the performance of my query. Here is where I notice that the date has been reformatted to 04/09/98 but it does still get me the correct results. I’m just trying to figure out how and why this is done. My regional settings on my PC are English United States with a short date format of mm/dd/yy.
Andy mentioned earlier that it was stored in the PRM file. Where?
Hi Julie!
You need to change your object format into mm/dd/yy. I am giving a step by step procedure. just try to do that.
Go to the Designer module and open your universe 2. Press your right mouse button on the date field. 3. Select the object format from the menu 4. Select date/time format
Select the format mm/dd/yy (right side window) 6. Save your universe.
Now run your report. thats it. your report is ready. If it works, pls respond me. If not, i will give u another way to solve this problem.
So everything is working fine, just not the way you envisioned it, huh?
Check the ociv7.sbo file in BusinessObjects\Oracle. There are two parameters for this Oracle-specific file: 1. InputDateFormat
2. InitDateFormat
Both should be the same, but they do different things. The InputDateFormat controls the format in which date objects in conditions are sent to the database. The InitDateFormat controls the date format set for the current session of your Oracle login. (It sends an ALTER SESSION command to set the desired date format).
The weird thing about your problem is that your input actually gets reversed. Normally, when the date format parameters in the *.sbo file are not set properly, you get Oracle errors about invalid month or the like.
Maybe your Precise tool is doing something. You may also want to run Tracker in the background to see the actual value that BusinessObjects is sending out. This may help you verify if the problem is with BO or your other application.
Good luck,
Luis Gonzalez
Thanks for the response but I’m not actually using an object, I’m using the following predefined condition:
trunc(IC_TRAN_CMP_VW3.TRANS_DATE) <= @Prompt(‘End Date (MM/DD/YY)’,‘D’,MONO,FREE)
Then when I enter 9/4/98 and send the query to the database I have a tool called Precise where I can go and look at the performance of my query. Here is where I notice that the date has been reformatted to 04/09/98 but it does still get me the correct results. I’m just trying to figure out how and why this is done. My regional settings on my PC are English United States with a short date format of mm/dd/yy.
Andy mentioned earlier that it was stored in the PRM file. Where?
This is a statement directly from C:\Program Files\BusinessObjects\Oracle\Ociv7.sbo
This how BO translates the date from Windows to Oracle. This format needs to be the same as the Oracle server date format. I know this is the default for BO and I believe this is the default for Oracle. So, the user enters 9/25/98, Oracle gets 25-09-1998.
I was confused yesterday because our DBA said that the date format on the oracle database is DD-MON-YY. When we use a conditional prompt iwth a format of ‘D’, we input 9/4/98 (Sept. 4) and when I look at the query running on the database the date is now 04-09-98 (Still Sept. 4 but in DD-MM-YYYY format). I couldn’t figure out where this was being translated inbetween BO and Oracle since we had no date formats on either end of this type.
Upon looking in the ociv7.sbo file at the InputDateFormat and InitDateFormat I found this:
This is a standard issue with all RDBMSs. When you do a between, you need to specify 1 day more than you want. Either that or you have to enter 10/11/2000 23:59:59.
When you enter a date with no time it assumes midnight, the beginning of the day.
The alternative is to build an object to trunc the time off. Then you can use that object as the one to prompt against.
I have an object set up in my universe as a date and I have the default format set as MM/DD/YY HH:mm so it would display like 7/14/01 13:29. Now when I use it in a report it displays fine. If I put it in a condition and enter a date say I enter 7/14/01. bo is changing it say 7/14/01 12:00:00 AM. Why is it using this format when I have said in the universe to use MM/DD/YY HH:mm. I have my regional setting set up this way and in my sbo file I made sure that both the input and audit date were set up the same way. Is there something else I’m missing?
The format works only in the report after the data comes back from database.The SQL which goes to
database remains the same and the data type in BO is DATE. If you need to put this in condition then you may have to format the object using ‘convert’…
I have an object set up in my universe as a date and I have the default format set as MM/DD/YY HH:mm so it would display like 7/14/01 13:29. Now when I use it in a report it displays fine. If I put it in a condition and enter a date say I enter 7/14/01. bo is changing it say 7/14/01 12:00:00 AM. Why is it using this format when I have said in the universe to use MM/DD/YY HH:mm. I have my regional setting set up this way and in my sbo file I made sure that both the input and audit date were set up the same way. Is there something else I’m missing?
These queries in SQL server will help understand better:
select getdate()
the results : Jul 16 2001 4:21PM
select convert(char(10),getdate(),101) 07/16/2001 ---- char format
(101 - format style as mm/dd/yyyy)
select convert(datetime, convert(char(11),getdate(),101)) Jul 16 2001 12:00AM — By default sql server puts 12:00 am as the time.
Remember if you have a date format July 16 2001 4:31 PM that you are querying then your query will fail . as the time stamp does not match with your time.
Hi all,
One of the objects in my universe is ‘attendance time’. This field is saved as a number format. Examples are 2315, 915, 311. I need to change this into a date format in order to query on, for example, number of attendances between midnight and 2AM, 2AM to 6AM and 6AM to 8AM. How can I do this from within the business objects universe or otherwise. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks,
to_date(to_char(Attendance_time,‘fm0000’),‘HH24MI’) should give you something to work with as a date. Otherwise if you only need buckets then the old decode with sign statment should work…