BusinessObjects Board

Date display in days:hh:mm format

Suppose the difference between two dates using daysbetween function is -1164.6. i need to display it in days:hours:minutes format. Kindly help.

rmarthini (BOB member since 2012-12-26)


This old topic can get you started:

Marek Chladny :slovakia: (BOB member since 2003-11-27)

Create this [Time Btw]=Abs([Time Btw Start and End]) and then create

=FormatNumber (Floor([Time Btw]/86400);"0")
+ ":" 
+ FormatNumber (Floor(Mod([Time Btw] ;86400)/3600) ;"00") 
+ ":" 
+ FormatNumber (Floor(Mod(Mod([Time Btw] ;86400) ;3600)/60) ;"00") + ":" 
+ FormatNumber (Mod(Mod(Mod([Time Btw];86400) ;3600) ;60) ;"00")

[Moderator Edit: Added code formatting - Andreas]

buggi :us: (BOB member since 2006-01-27)